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Hacquebord H, Zeilende opleidingsschepen, (25214) Alkmaar zj. 64p. vele foto's. Geb.
taal: Nederlands € 7,00
Hahn H M, The Colonial Schooner 1763-1775, (35835) Harold M. Hahn - The Colonial Schooner 1763-1775.
The schooner rig became associated with North America very early in the history of the Colonies and eventually came to be regarded as the most typically American sail plan. The earliest properly documented American-built vessels were schooners, and those ships are the subject of this book, The first part describes a series of schooners, built or purchased by the Royal Navy, which played a significant part in the events leading to the American Revolution. The second part is devoted to building schooner models by a method developed by the author. This technique is the perfect introduction to the most admired ship-modelling forms, the plank-on-frame hull.
Greenwich 1981, 176p., The step-by-step description is illustrated with over 120 photographs, plans and diagrams. Hardcover besch. stofomslag.
taal: English € 35,00
HANSEN H-W, Marinemaler Adolf Bock, Leben und Werk (32208) Segelschiffe waren sein Leben - der Berliner Maler Adolf Bock schuf unvergleichliche Porträts der großen Tiefwassersegler Finnlands und Schwedens. Seine Bilder erzählen von Gefahren und Abenteuern der Handelsschifffahrt: imposante Hochsee-Segelfrachtschiffe, die auch dem größten Sturm trotzten. Eine Auswahl seiner zahlreichen Gemälde stellt dieser Bild-Text-Band vor. Mit umfangreichem Quellenverzeichnis und vielen historischen Fotos. 168 S., zahlreiche meist farbige Abb., 25 x 31 cm, geb., SU. taal: Deutsch € 68,00
HANSEN C B cs, Segelschiffe Kurs Hamburg, Sailing Ships Bound for Hamburg (27236) München 1989. 112p. 120 fotos in kl. . Ln.omsl.
taal: Deutsch & Englisch € 21,00
Hansen H J, Onder volle tuigage, Windjammerparade (24786) Bussum 1972. 112p. Rijk geïll. met foto's in kl. en z/w. Overzicht met alle data van de deelnemende schepen. Geb.omsl.
€ 14,00
HANSEN H J, Nun segeln sie wieder!, (27239) Über 250 Segelschiffe aus aller Welt trafen sich in Bremerhaven zur größten Windjammerparade Europas* München 1986. 120p. ca. 110 schitterende foto's in kl. + Historische Segelschiffstypen. Eine ilustrierte Enzyklopädie mit genauer Beschreibung von 154 historischen Segelschiffstypen, die von de Meeren schon ganz verschwunden schienen. Geb.omsl.
taal: Deutsch € 15,00
HANSEN H J cs, Windjammerparade, Operation Sail Kiel 1972 (32943) Mit einem Geleitwort von Kapitän Hans Engel ehemals Kommandant der 'Gorch Fock' und Organisator der Operation Sail 1972.
Oldenburg 1972 2e. 112p. vele prachtige foto's in kl. en z/w. Geb.omsl.
taal: Deutsch € 14,00
Harland , Seamanship in the age of Sail , (36777) 8068
John Harland – Seamanship in the age of Sail.
Numerous successful reprints of contemporary works on rigging and seamanship indicate the breadth of interest in the lost art of handling square-rigged ships.
Model makers, marine painters, and enthusiasts need to know not only how the ships were rigged but how much sail was set in each condition of wind and sea, how the various maneuvers were carried out, and the intricacies of operations like reefing sails or 'catting' an anchor.
John Harland has provided what is undeniably the most thorough book on handling square-rigged ships.
Because of his facility in a remarkable range of languages, Harland has been able to study virtually every manual published over the past four centuries on the subject.
As a result, he is able to present for the first time a proper historical development of seamanship among the major navies of the world.
London 1995. 320p., many ill., Hardcover d.j. Very good condition taal: English € 79,90
Hazelhoff Roelfzema H, De ronding van Kaap Hoorn in 1896 door het fregats, en veel wat daarmee verband houdt (24791) Oosthuizen 1996. 40p. ca. 45 foto's, tek.en kaarten. Org.omsl. € 16,00
Houten F P v, Kielzog, (25228) Op zijn 14e jaar ging F.P. van Houten naar zee, rondde met zeilschepen vele malen Kaap Hoorn, liep op een klip, leed schipbreuk etc.* Asd. zj. 207p. foto's van zeilschepen. Ln.omsl.
€ 13,00
Hutson T, Your Book of Tall Ships, (24812) London 1978. 96p. ca. 60 foto's, tek. en prenten.
Glossary. Index. Geb.
€ 13,00
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