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Anoniem, Scheepsbouwnieuws Dordrecht, (33390) Uitgave met nieuws van de Dordtse werven etc.
Aanwezig nr. 1 - 1965 tm nr. 13. Mist nrs. 4, 8 , 11
Nummer 10 is 2x aanwezig. Foto´s. € 15,00
Anoniem, The Clarkson Chronicle 1852 - 1952, (35512) SBS: Shipowners and shipbrokers, who took advantage of the California Gold Rush, the Crimean War and both World Wars, moving latterly into marine insurance.
Clarkson 1952, 116pp, 51 illus, 7 line drawings in text, Ln. taal: English € 22,00
Appleyard H S, The Constantine Group, Short History and Fleetlist (25751) Kendal 1983. 56p. foto's. Org.omsl. taal: English € 16,00
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