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Peacock L, Naval Firepower., (23180) Battleships, frigates, destroyers, submarines and aircraft carriers are all depicted in this volume, as is the armament that they carry* London zj. 158p. vele foto's in kleur. Geb.omsl.
taal: English € 24,00
Peet A J vd, Rotterdam in veelvoud, Illustere marineschepen (24908) 25 schepen met de naam "Rotterdam" , van roei-jacht tot amfibisch transportschip, passeren de revue!* Asd. 2000. 104p. foto's en ill. in kl. en z/w. Index op persoonsnamen. Org.omsl. € 14,00
Perlmutter T (ed.), War Machines Sea, from Phoenician galleys to Polaris submarines (26263) Naval developments that changed the course of history. London 1975. 140p. zeer veel foto's, prenten etc. in kleur en z/w. Index. Geb.omsl. taal: English € 14,00
PRESTON, The Ship, Dreadnought to Nuclear Submarine (26801) London 1980. 60p. Ca. 50 foto's en tek. op de platten. Li. Index. Geb. Deel 9 Serie The Ship.
taal: English € 10,00
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