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Jackson , Paul Simon, The definitive biography (36652) Laura Jackson - Paul Simon.
The definitive biography.
The story of Paul Simon, whose evocative lyrics have articulated the fears, dreams and everyday dilemmas of several generations.
It gives insights into Paul Simon's life and music, from his roots to the 21st century, dealing with the years he partnered Art Garfunkel, his subsequent solo career, and how he later went on to embrace experimentation with world music and develop an interest in musicals and film.
Paul Simon's passion for politics and his involvement in world issues is addressed, along with his perennial sense of insecurity and troubled relationships with women.
There is also analysis and discussion of Paul Simon as a lyricist, through the views of contemporary songwriters and music critics such as Sir Tim Rice and Noel Redding as well as from academics on both sides of the Atlantic.
London 2002, 232p. 8p. with 10 Photos, 16 x 24 cm. Hardcover d.j. New. taal: English € 24,95
Jackson Mahalia, Autobiografie mmv Evan McLeod Wylie, (8670) 2de druk 1967, 152 pags met foto's
taal: Nederlands omslag: papb uitgever: Bosch & Keuning € 4,00
Jerger Wilhelm, Die Wiener Philharmoniker, Erbe und Sendung (34225) 1. Aufl. 1943, 102 S. mit Foto's und Abb, Anhang, mit u.m. Orchesteraufstellung.
Bemerkung im Anhang. "Bei Dessoff, Ernst, Grün, Hanslick, Hoachim und Mahler, die in diesem Buch erwähnt werden, handelt es sich um Nichtarier". uitgever: Wiener Verlagsgesellschaft € 10,00
Jordaan Johnny / Wierenga H, Ze kunnen van me zeggen wat ze willen, (24482) 1ste druk 1972, 186 pgs met foto's
omslag: papb uitgever: Bruna € 4,00
Juda Jo, Voor de duisternis viel. 1930-1940, (32125) 1ste 1978, 399 pgs met personenregister. Kreukje in achterplat omslag: Papb uitgever: Heuff Nieuwkoop € 8,00
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