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Sadlier M, Fanny by gaslight, (13085) 1ste 1945
omslag: ingen uitgever: The Continental Book Co 5,00
Saint-Pierre de Michel, Bernadette and Lourdea, (13220) Image Books Doubleday 4th 1958
San Antonio, Thugs and bottles, (13176) Sphere Books 1969
omslag: pocket 4,00
Sanders Lawrence, The pleasures of Helen, (13708) 1st in Pan pockets 1971
Sayers Dorothy, Hitchman Janet: Dorothy Sayers - Such a strange la, A biography (30860) 1976, 203 pgs omslag: pocket uitgever: New English Library 5,00
Sayers Dorothy, Strong poison, (31252) 3th 1969 omslag: pocket uitgever: Avon 4,00
Schiddel Edmund, Good time coming, (13736) 1st as Pan Books 1970
Scoppettone Sandra, Some unknown person, (13716) 1st as Penguin pocket 1978
Scott-James R A, Fifty years of english literature 1900-1950, (10852) With a postscript 1951-1955, 9de 1969, 282 pags
omslag: gebonden met omslag uitgever: Longmans 6,00
Seton Anya, Teh turquoise, (13564) Coronet pocket 7th 1971
Seton Anya, My Theodosia, (13565) Coronet pocket 7th 1961
Sharp Margery, The nutmeg tree, (13610) 1st as Fontan pocket 1958
Sharpe Tom, Wilt in Nowhere, (30287) 1st 2004, 256 pgs
omslag: hardcover, jacket uitgever: Hutchinson 10,00
Shaw Bernard, The adventures of the black girl, in her search for God (13641) 8th 1933, engravings John Farleigh
taal: Nederlands omslag: hardcover uitgever: Constable 7,00
Shaw I, Beggar, man, thief, (9816) 1st Book Club Ass. Ed 1977, 372 pags
omslag: cloth, wrappers 7,00
Shaw I5rwin, Nightwork, (13611) 1st as Pan pocket 1976
Shaw Irwin, Love on a dark street, (13735) DELL pocket 2nd 1976
Sheppard Stephen, The 4001st as Penguin pocket 1980, (13598) 4,00
Shiguro, An artist of the floating world, (12280) First Vintage Int. Ed. 1987, 206 pags
omslag: papb 6,00
Shute Nevil, What Happened to the Corbetts, (13133) Repr. 1956
omslag: hardcover, back bleached uitgever: Heinemann 5,00
Shute Nevil, No Highway, (13715) 1st as pan pocket 1963
Sikmin Robert, Chikara!, A sweeping novel of Japan and America from 1907-83 (27271) 1985 626 pgs
taal: English omslag: pab 4,00
Simenon G, The stain on the snow, (13550) Oenguin pcket 1964
Simenon George, The little man from Archangel, (13579) 1st as Penguin pocket 1964
Simenon George, In case of emergency, (13701) 1st as Penguin pocket
Simenon George, Pedigree, (13707) 1st as Penguin pocket 1965
Simenon George, The widower, (13725) 1st as Penguin pocket 1965
Singer Isaac Bashevis, The magician of Lublin, (13723) 1st Fawcett Crest pocket 1960
taal: Nederlands 4,00
Sitwell Osbert, Before the bombardment, (13601) 1st as penguin pocket 1938
Sligh Turnbull A, The bishop's mantel, (13603) Fontana pocket 4th 1969
Sligh Turnbull Agnes, The gown of glory, (13660) Fontana pocket 1968
Slyke van helen, The best place to be, (13568) NEL pocket 1980
Slyke van Helen, No love lost, (13600) 1st as Bantam pocket 1980
Smith lilian, Killers of the dream, (13001) Doubleday Anchor pocket 1963
Smith Thorne, The spray lamb, (13710) Pocket Books 518, 1st
Smith Thorne, Rain in the doorway, (13712) Pocket Books 546 1st, ill
illustraties: Herbert Roese 8,00
Smith Thorne, Did she fall?, (14186) Pocket Book ed 497 8th febr 1949
Smith Thorne (compl. By Norman Matson), The passionate witch, (13711) Pocket Books 401 1st, ill.
illustraties: Herbert Roese 8,00
Smith Wilbur, A Falcon flies, (13088) 1980
omslag: hardcover, jacket uitgever: Book Club Ass. London 8,00
Smith Wilbur, Shout at the devil, (13545) 1st Dell printing 1976
omslag: onderrugje licht besch 3,00
Smith Wilbur, Gold, (13546) Pan pocket 1972
Solzhenitsyn A, One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, (13571) Penguin ppocket 1972
Spark Muriel, The bachelors, (13570) Penguin pocket 1965
Spark Muriel, The Portobello Road and other stories, (30725) Penguin 60s. 1995, 86 pgs. In mint shape omslag: minipocket 5,00
Spector R D, English Literary Spector, (13037) and the climate of opinion during the Seven Year's War. 1ste druk 1966, 408 pags met appendix, bibliografie en index, voetnoten
omslag: linnen met omslag uitgever: Mouton Den Haag 13,00
Spielberg Steven, Close encounters of the third kind, (13599) First Dell pocket 1977
Spota Luis, The wounds of hunger, (13578) 1st as Penguin pocket 1961
Spring Howard, Fame is the spur, (13552) 7th 1977 Fontana pocket
Stark Richard, The rare coin story, (13714) 1st as Coronet pocket 1968
Steinbeck John, Cannery Row, (13143) 1st 1945
omslag: hardcover uitgever: Viking Press 8,00
Steinbeck John, The acts of King Arthur and his noble knights, (13616) 1st as Pan papb 1979, 366 pags
Stern R M, The tower (The towering inferno), (13704) Pan pocket 6th 1973. In boeklon
Stone R, Dog Soldiers, (13115) 2nd 1974
omslag: cloth uitgever: Houghton Mifflin Boston 7,00
Story Jack Trevor, I sit in Hangar Lane, (9812) 1st 1968
omslag: hardcover, wrappers uitgever: Secker & Warburg 10,00
Story Jack Trevor, Hitler Needs You, (13188) First Shere Books ed. 1972
omslag: pocket 4,00
Sutcliff Rosemary, Blue remembered hills A recollection, (13709) 1st Oford University Press papb 1984
Sόsskind Patrick, Perfume, (30862) 1987 omslag: pocket uitgever: Penguin 3,00
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